The Metaclusive Monitor

News You Can Use About Being Metaclusive

Dear CEO: What’s next for us?

A few months back, Emily Goodson started a series"Dear CEO" to provide the employee perspective to ongoing injustice and suffering in our country. For the next installment in this series, Goodson wants to share a perspective she co-authored with Metaclusive CEO...

Hollywood’s Ability to Impact Change in the World

Hollywood’s Ability to Impact Change in the World

The promise of this America, one where I can be myself, where my bravery is rewarded rather than punished, where Black men and women feel protected by the justice system and can pursue any dream they have, where women are allowed to be powerful and in control, moved me to tears. I know that my tears do not produce action; they do not promote change. I am devoted to creating the America that I have to believe can and will exist, and maybe that is why Hollywood made me cry.